中國年輕醫生的困局,《柳恭弘=叶 恭弘刀》都看不下去了!

  有醫學背景的人都聽說過《柳恭弘=叶 恭弘刀》雜誌,如果能在《柳恭弘=叶 恭弘刀》上發表一篇論文,可以說是此生無憾了。然而如此權威的的雜誌,卻一直用專欄的方式關注和報道着中國的醫改,以往的專刊中曾經關注過中國醫療暴力、科研腐敗、醫務人員待遇差等問題。去年的同一時間,《柳恭弘=叶 恭弘刀》第一時間的刊登了對於中國住院醫師規培和專培的文章。《柳恭弘=叶 恭弘刀》,不會隨意刊登文章,他們刊登的文章代表了全世界的關注和態度!


The National Health and Family Planning Commission of China introduced an important change on specialist standardisation training on Jan 11, 2016, requiring Chinese doctors to do an additional 2–4 years of specialist training after completing 3 years of resident standardisation training.The announcement has caused disappointment, even aversion, among some young Chinese doctors and medical students.


Medical resident and specialist training in China is similar to the resident and fellowship training in the USA. The Chinese Government intended to improve the professional skills of health-care providers with these training programmes, turning Chinese medical graduates into qualified and world leading practitioners. However, the training programmes in China face substantial challenges.


Firstly, in comparison with young doctors in the USA, the residents and young specialists in China are extremely unsatisfied with their salaries. The median salary of Chinese doctors working in the secondary and tertiary hospitals of big cities is about 5000 RMB (US$780) per month.The income is even lower for young doctors on the training programme.


Secondly, the working environments for doctors have severely deteriorated in the past 20 years. Violence against doctors has been reported repeatedly. Additionally, their workloads will continue to increase dramatically with China’s ageing demography and the new two-child policy. A Chinese specialist usually sees at least 50 patients per day in the outpatient clinic. Several young doctors have died tragically in relation to being overworked.


As a result of the relatively poor income and working environments, some young Chinese doctors and medical students have lost their enthusiasm for pursing the career and regret choosing to study medicine.Many are considering dropping out of the training programme. A survey was performed on Ding Xiang Yuan, the most popular biomedical website in China, which found that 91% of doctors believed that China’s health-system reforms could not be successful without also reforming the social and economic status of doctors. We sincerely hope that this Correspondence will get the attention of our government. We appeal again that measures are taken to improve the salary and working environment of Chinese medical doctors; the outflow of talented young doctors from China should be halted. Otherwise the health-care system in China will be compromised greatly in the near future.











